Saturday 29 December 2012

Don't expect justice from the culprits!

“I just want to sleep. A coma would be nice. Or amnesia. Anything, just to get rid of this, these thoughts, whispers in my mind. Did they rape my head, too?” 
- A Rape Victim

Such words also don't move the hearts of our lawmakers. What if these words came out from the mouth of a girl from their own family? Then they will do everything to punish the culprits,why not now? 
Because most of them will suffer if strict laws are made in this country.

When politicians say that no sitting member of the Lok Sabha faces a rape charge. Here i am mentioning a few such cases:
  • Six persons who declared that they had rape charges against them contested the 2009 Lok Sabha elections. Of them, one is from the Rashtravadi Communist Party, one from the RPP, a third from the Bahujan Samaj Party, another from the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha while two were independent candidates.
  • 369 MPs, MLAs face charges of crimes against women. Charges include heinous crime of Rape and Molestation, what aam aadmi would expect from such criminals sitting in law making position?
  • Political parties gave tickets to 27 candidates who contested state elections in the last five years and who declared they had rape charges against them. Of these, seven were independent, five from the SP, two each from the BJP and one from the Congress. Ten of these are from UP alone and five from Bihar.
  • Six sitting MLAs have declared rape charges against them. They are Sribhagwan Sharma (SP, Khurja, UP), Anoop Sanda (SP, Sultanpur, UP), Manoj Kumar Paras (SP, Nagina, UP), Mohammad Aleem Khan (BSP, Bulandshahr, UP), Jethabhai G. Ahir (BJP, Shahera, Gujarat) and Kandikunta Venkata Prasad (TDP, Kadiri, AP).
  • Political parties gave tickets to 27 candidates who contested the state elections in the last five years, who have declared that they have been charged with rape. Of these, seven are independent candidates, five have been given tickets by the SP, two have been given tickets by the BJP and two are BSP candidates.
  • When M.P  Paras was called, he said the Delhi gangrape incident was “shameful”. “The culprits should be punished. It’s an open-and-shut case.” But what about the charges against him? “They are politically motivated and were slapped on me by someone who was instigated by the BSP.”
  • Even when the entire nation is on roads shouting for women protection,Himachal Pradesh has elected 14 MLAs who are facing criminal cases. Five of these MLAs—three from Congress and two from BJP—face serious criminal cases like kidnapping or abducting, abatement of suicide, forgery etc. Ten of the 36 newly elected Congress MLAs have criminal background in the House of 68 while three of the 26 BJP MLAs have criminal cases against them, according to National Election Watch.
  • Political parties also gave tickets to 260 other contesting candidates in the legislative assembly elections held in the last five years have declared that they have charges of crimes against women such as outraging the modesty of a woman, assault, insulting the modesty of a woman etc. Out of the 260 candidates who declared that they have been charged with crimes against women, 72 are independent candidates, 24 have been given tickets by the BJP, 26 by the INC, 16 by the SP and 18 have been given tickets by the BSP. 
  • Maharasthra has the maximum number of such candidates (41), followed by Uttar Pradesh (37) and West Bengal (22).
Source: Individual affidavits/Association for Democratic Reforms/OutlookIndia

Saturday 1 September 2012

'Har Har Mahadev' (Everyone is God)

Walking through a busy lane in Mumbai,coming back from college.
I came to a halt at a book shop to grab some book which will help me pass my time during weekend. I came across a set of two books which I really liked after reading the synopsis (The Immortals of Meluha & The secret of the Nagas). I bought them and came back. 

Once I got reading the book, I realized all the childhood stories about Lord Shiva, told by my grand father were challenged!
The book portrayed him as a human being with strong character and leadership qualities that made people believe that he was a God, but all he was a Human.

As we believe Lord Ram was. Now Ram was a mighty King and Shiva was a fearless warrior. Both tried to protect the civilization from evils attacks during their times and help bring order to the society and thus the people started worshipping them as gods.

Every man believes in the history of Indus valley civilization, Mesopotamia, Harappa and other such places. But if someone goes to a priest and says that Shiva was just a human being I am sure there is a large part of our population that will take offense or that person will be termed Atheist! 

But this really got me thinking what a myth is? And what is reality?
There is a chant that is said to be given by Shiva himself, ‘Har Har Mahadev’ which means Everyone is Mahadev(another name of shiva).

So if he himself believed that every human being has the potential to be what he is. Why don’t we today believe in that rather than blindly following any religion or priest, why don’t we believe in what god said himself.
I still am not able to find my answers, but I firmly believe,

‘Har Har Mahadev

Wednesday 6 June 2012


A report by the Amnesty International said that nearly four million people used to live under the Taliban in north-west Pakistan without rule of law and were effectively abandoned by the Pakistani government at one point of time. In the report titled, As if Hell fell on me, the Human Rights crisis in Pakistan’ the London based rights organization asked the Pakistani govt. and Taliban to comply with International Humanitarian Law. According to one of the quotes; Tanseem Noorani, a former interior secretary of Rawalpindi says, “From a safe and lovely town, it has been turned into a bunker.” A senior I.P.S Officer says that during his visit to several important countries in the last few years, the general assessment about Pakistan everywhere was expressed just in two words- a “FAILED STATE.”

In India some hardliners with a myopic vision should be wallowing over it while back home it is not a different story either. In a village in Punjab kids are having neurological problems as there is uranium in the water due to the pollution by a nearby plant. Over 25 years after the world’s worst Industrial Disaster in Bhopal, which left 15,000 dead and injured 5.7 lac people, seven get two years in jail as the Apex court diluted the charges from culpable homicide not amounting to murder, to that of rash and negligent act.

The sense of anger and outrage was felt across the world as the international media and prominent American senators condemned the verdict and the fact that the alleged “Butcher of Bhopal”, the then chairman of Union Carbide corporation, Warren Anderson‘s name did not even appear in the list of the convicted. On the contrary, Anderson was granted safe passage by the Indian govt.

A nation that cannot uphold its law, can’t maintain order either. When Anderson was virtually escorted out of India, the State abdicated its responsibility. Anderson sneered at the establishment that knelt before him.

The gross mismatch between the quantum of punishment and the havoc caused has outraged the survivors who see it as a travesty of justice. Most of the survivors and their family still suffer from MBC related disease. Worse, an NGO alleges that these victims were used as guinea pigs. Hospitals conducted trials without patients’ knowledge, causing many deaths. Muslim Intellectual of the stature of MJ Akbar incisively sums up: “Justice for Bhopal is a serious issue. We treat poors as dispensable chattels whose death is meaningless in the economic calculus since there is no shortage of supply. Bhopal is a class war. If thousands of politicians, or their cousins, the nouveau rich, had died on that apocalyptic night in Bhopal, Anderson would still be in Indian jail rather than in America under protection.”

And nothing much different in Dante –Wada (Chhattisgarh) where 76 CRF jawaans are killed in one go by the Naxals/Maoists. A few days later a bus is blown up by them near Dante-Wada killing 40 people on the spot. A shaken Home Minister bemoans, “I have a limited mandate.” He wants army’s help. But at the highest level the army expresses strong disinclination to intervene. And a supine Prime Minister acquiesces. The ball is thrown back in the court of the states saying law and order is a state subject. The matter thus comes back to square one. Whatever may be, in a democracy perception becomes the operative truth. The operative truth here is, “The govt. just gives away people’s lives to naxals/Maoists. What’s the point in having this huge army if it can’t even protect people against a group of brutal fanatics?”
Comes next, the ‘Death at Dawn’ the Mangalore air crash. All the 158 occupants on board were killed. The civil aviation minister offers to resign as a matter of routine and the Prime Minister refuses to accept it ‘as a matter of routine’, or should I say Air Mishaps are a matter of routine now.

Follows closely on the heels the Jhargam train disaster in West Bengal killing hundreds of passengers and injuring and maiming many. A C.B.I. inquiry puts a cap on the matter.

In Pakistan four million people may be under the Taliban’s, in our country out of 640 districts, 120 districts are officially stated to be Naxals dominated where over large areas there writ runs. Thus we have far many million people who are living at the mercy of these insurgents.

M.J Akbar further says, “The divine right of kings is dead, it has been reborn as the secular right of an elected parliament”. In our nation the Prime Minister sits in Lok Sabha without voting rights for the seventh year running. He even complains about empty chairs at cabinet meetings. This is not because his ministers are more usefully busy elsewhere. They simply do not care. Would they have been absent from a Sonia Gandhi Cabinet meeting? Indian Politics reduced to notional ideology and devoid of accountability is suited to coalitions. If there were accountability, the D.M.K’s A. Raja would not remain in Man Mohan’s cabinet. The D.M.K’s other minister Alagiri remained missing during the budget session of parliament, government having no clue about him. Later it was transpired that he was sojourning abroad. But he still remains in the cabinet.

This is also due to an erosion of the P M’s authority. Major decisions are no longer in the domain of the PMO. They are taken by the UPA chairperson–cum-head of the national advisory council. The PMO remains a notifying agency. A captive PM then adopts a please-all-offend none policy. Compromise is a virtue in interpersonal relations. If it becomes the guiding principle of governance it may lead to disaster. The world renowned weekly ‘The Economist’s’ cannot thus be faulted when it writes, “Manmohan is the prime minister. He has no power.” Even while making its choice of Congress just before the 2009 general elections referred to him as a night watchman at the batting crease.

The Prime Minister has shown a penchant for giving extensions to bureaucrats without caring for the demoralization it causes down the line. Just after taking over as PM in May, 2004 he replaced then cabinet secretary Kamal Pandey with B.K Chaturvedi who had nearly sixty days to retire. He was given several extensions. M .K. Narayanan, NSA was given repeated extensions, and present cabinet secretary is also on two years extension. It appears that the Prime Minister has a propensity for pliable officers to form his think-tank. This is in sharp contrast to the mother-in-law of his mentor who let retire six secretaries to the government of India on the same date including L.P. Singh and L.K Jha who were her brain trusts. She did not give extensions to anyone and thus kept the bureaucratic slate neat, clean and non-controversial.

At the end of the day, one must be fair to Manmohan Singh ji .He has raised to such heights from the grass roots through sheer dint of merit. After Europe’s capitalist revolution, Napoleon came along. To institutionalize socialism in Russia, Lenin Appeared. In India to institutionalize liberalization, Manmohan appeared. His shining hour came in Narsimha Rao’s Cabinet when he introduced bold economic reforms. But this Oxford Blue reached his ceiling then too. Thus far and no far, repeat no far please. The top job is not a badge of honour but a negotiable instrument to balance the arithmetic of politics in the quest for power. The erudite professor is not cut out for that.

To conclude, a nominated prime minister ruling through a coterie of overage bureaucrats thus blocking the pipeline for emergence of fresh ideas and better strategies, health care and civic facilities in shambles, environmental degradation, failure to even detoxify the gas disaster site posing a threat to those living in the vicinity, rising crime rates, criminal justice system on the verge of collapse, corruption ruling the roost, govt. raising hands in the face of left-wing insurgency, politician-bureaucrat-criminal nexus running a parallel economy, people’s anger high on the Richter Scale as cost of living is getting exorbitant by the day, what is the ‘delivery-quotient’ of the Indian State?

A little self Introspection should provide an answer. Forget Pakistan and Taliban...

Tuesday 7 February 2012

When The Tigers Will Not Prowl....

"There is a sufficiency in the world for man’s need but not for man’s greed.” 
- Mohandas K. Gandhi

When I read the quote above, it randomly made me think of all the possible results of human greed. The extinction of a species was the last I could think and the worst of it is when that species is the national animal!
1411 (official figures)this number tells us of the inhumane killing of this animal for medicinal and monetary purposes. The ROYAL BENGAL TIGER, found here, is not found anywhere. But this species and the whole environment has been subjected to this kind of treatment due to nothing else but the constant increase in the greed quotient of today’s developing society.
Just imagine, if 1411 would have been the number for human population on this planet, then what all we could have done to save our species? So, all we are concerned about is, ‘OUR LIFE’. Even if we take this to be the case, the Tiger is called the apex predator, which means it is the basis of the balance in the ecosystem. If they live, we increase the life span of our species too.
Saving the tiger means, saving forests, saving rivers, saving all other animals. If we want them to live then we need to make sure that the herbivores they eat also live. In order to make the predator and the prey live, we also need to make sure that trees are not cut down, as, if there won’t be greenery around, the prey will die and eventually the predator. So, saving the tiger means saving the entire forest with animals in it as the king is because of the kingdom, No kingdom means no king!
The Tiger is the symbol for the protection of all species on this planet since it is at the top of the food chain.
Out of the 3,755 tigers alive in the whole world, India has the biggest share with 1411 currently living in various regions. A major concerted conservation effort, known as Project Tiger, was planned in 1973, Indira Gandhi, the then Prime minister took keen interest in this project. According to information available online, the fundamental accomplishment was the establishment of over 25 well-monitored tiger reserves in reclaimed land where human development is categorically forbidden. The program credited with tripling the number of wild Bengal tigers from roughly 1,200 in 1973 to over 3,500 in the 1990s. However, when a tiger census was carried out in 2007, the reports which came out a year later told a different story. It stated that the wild tiger population in India declined by 60% to approximately 1,411!
Unfortunately for the tiger, it lives in parts of the world with the fastest growing populations. The man’s never ending desires are the reason for the deaths of animals, not only tiger but many more. The greed to take more of everything which is in us humans, is now taking a toll on the environment. We want more land so we are cutting trees, which means clearing forests. Forest is a home to animals, remember the jungle book? I know I may sound like a kid to many but isn’t it right to say that to create our houses we are destroying someone else’s. And to top it all we not only leave them homeless but later on even kill.
According to, recent surveys were conducted and it is estimated that 15% of the Himalayas forest cover has been lost in the last 20 years, and although that it is not nearly as bad as some parts of the world, this is the key habitat for the largest remaining populations of tigers. The fragmentation of this habitat combined with the reduction in numbers of many key species means that soon, even if poaching were stopped today, there just would not be enough habitat left to support tigers in the wild.
And if habitat loss was not enough, tigers also have to contend with ‘Poaching’. Poaching is the major cause of tiger mortality; this animal is killed for its skin and for the use of its bone for medicines, its nails and teeth are sold to money. One reason for the decrease in numbers of this regal and magnificent symbol of nature’s beauty and power is the hunting for ‘recreation’. Unfortunately, poaching is not isolated to any one subspecies or population. All tigers, no matter where they live, seem to be under attack! The other reason is the villagers or uneducated strata of society who don’t understand the value of this animal’s life. I am sure everyone has heard the news which was out some time back that a tiger was killed by villagers in some part of the country just because he was spotted sitting in the field!
I mean, the poor animal must have lost its way to the forest and entered the field. And the villagers did not give him a second chance; they huddled up together and the 40 people or so together burnt him down just because of their own ignorance!
What a shame! And now who should be called animals?
Even when the tiger has been classified as a “Critically Endangered” species, it is killed as the demand for its parts in the international market has drastically increased at an alarming rate since the end of the 20th century. In Hong Kong black markets, vendors sell a pound of powdered tiger humorous bone for over $1700. This example shows how people kill the animal to satisfy their undying greed. As per a photo-blog posted by, the tiger is primarily killed to supply underground black markets with its organs, pelts and bones. These items are highly regarded in eastern medicine, claiming to posse’s capabilities to heal all sorts of human illnesses and dysfunctions. Having said all this I would like to make a point that all these so-called treatments have no medical value, they are completely unproven and denied by scientists. What I don’t understand is that what is it that makes a person actually believe that eating a tiger’s brain will cure his disease in anyway?
There have been efforts done by organizations worldwide in order to control the constant deaths and the fall in numbers of this animal. While my research to write on this topic I came to know that there is a project named as Tigers forever. It is collaboration between the Wildlife Conservation Society and the Panthera Corporation to serve as both a science-based action plan and a business model to ensure that tigers live in the wild forever.
Initial field sites of Tigers Forever include the world’s largest tiger reserve, the 21,756 km Hukaung Valley in Myanmar, the Western Ghats in India, Thailand’s Huai Khai Khaeng-Thung Yai protected areas, and other sites in Laos PDR, Cambodia, the Russian Far East and China covering approximately 260,000 km2 of critical tiger habitat.
In 2009, there was a sudden change in the Indian society as it was out for the world to know that how many Indians are ready to stand for this noble cause of saving life of this endangered species from extinction, when that is THE NATIONAL ANIMAL. The media, the film fraternity, the sport stars and the big corporate houses came in front to show their support and ask others to support the cause, ‘SAVE OUR TIGERS.’ NDTV, WWF, Sanctuary Asia and Aircel came together for this project. This campaign was carried out to raise awareness and make people put pressure on the government to be more vigilant. It was a very human approach by all who were able to understand the importance of this cause. In this campaign 10, 07,958 people have come together to join the roar till now.
This campaign helped the voice of people to reach the government, the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh called for an emergency meeting and till now the following steps have been taken by the government:
  • Rs 600 crore sanctioned for conservation in the next five years
  • Rs 50 crore will be spent specifically on tigers
  • Conservation of tigers to become responsibility of the Chief Ministers.
Suggestions to save tigers:
  • An elite, well-trained protection force in Tiger Reserves
  • An intelligence network to check poaching
  • Centre to take over sanctuaries and parks in Naxal controlled areas
  • No permission for big projects like mining and industries in tiger habitats
  • Push for more convictions in poaching cases
  • Appoint a chief for the Wildlife Crime Bureau
However, despite the efforts of many, the numbers are still declining rapidly. Recent news reports show that poaching is still prevalent, and it appears that tigers are disappearing as fast today as at any time in the last 300 years. A major report has shown that tigers have disappeared from 40% of their range in the last 10 years (source). I feel now it’s time that leaders and politicians should see the urgency of the problem and declare an emergency for the tiger and save the animal from extinction. It’s now the matter of our national animal and we should do our bit by creating awareness in the society.
ROAR LIKE A TIGER, if you can feel what I say!  Lets come together to save our national animal, to SAVE OUR TIGER..

Wednesday 25 January 2012

“JJ Flyover in Mumbai leading into high accidental area”

’31 accidents on J.J Flyover this year’
                                                  -Mid Day (21/02/2003)

‘J.J Flyover speed demon alert’
-Mid Day (28/03/2010)


‘Nothing to stop bikers zipping on J.J at night’

-Mid Day (28/02/2011)

Right after JJ flyover was opened for public till date it has been taking lives. Traffic police has been making false claims year after year of controlling the situation whereas the above headlines are enough to guess the outcome.

Twelve years back the area from J.J Hospital to Palton Road was the most congested 2km distance and today this flyover has narrowed travel time from Palton Road in south Mumbai to the central parts of the city from 30 minutes at the least to just 5 minutes. But ever since the construction of this flyover this road has turned into a DEATH PATH. The snake-like flyover twists and turns its way through a labyrinth of old buildings on either side. It traverses through 22 small and big junctions and six curves and it has claimed numerous lives in the past years. 

 The traffic police observed that at late nights when the traffic is less, several motorcyclists break rules and speed on the flyover. On the wee hours of Saturday, Jan, 7,2012. A motorcyclist lost his life while the pillion rider was severely injured,when the two negotiated the J.J flyover, which is officially banned for two-wheelers for the past one year. Whenever people break rules many of them meet the same fate. DCP Nandkumar Chaugule commented, “We really want bikers to stop violating the rules for their own safety and stop taking the flyover for a speedy ride."

According to the orders there has to be checking at both ends of the flyover, and this case yet again proves the negligence of the administration.

 Ashok Takalkar, assistant commissioner of police, traffic, said that “We observed that most accidents take place near three sharp turns on the flyover. Speed arresters will be placed on turns to avoid accidents.” We hope this time they do as they say.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Strength Of a Woman

 WOMAN is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.It is because of the pain that women undergo in order to give life .They are so much superior than a man,in everything. They are more special,the creator on earth. Yes,they are provided with a special ability to give birth by almighty.They are the ones with better I.q level,they are the ones who know how to take care of  us (men) at our best and to support at our worst.Females live longer as their circulatory and Skeletal systems are more advanced. 

We need them,we cannot do without them..We should never dare and underestimate their power,their strength..

Imagine this planet without a single woman ! Scary,isn't it??  

' Woman was created from the rib of man.,She was not made from his head to be above him,
nor was she made from his feet to be trampled on..She was created out of his side to equal him,.under his arm to be protected by him..and near his heart to be loved...'
My mother had this hanging in our house when I was a kid. I think it is actually very profound.

After all this i want to ask a few questions, Why today females are not safe in our country ? Why do they need to fight for their identity? Why is their a rise in crimes against women? WHY??

The answers are within all of us....ASK YOURSELF....

Lets give them what they deserve,RESPECT,LOVE & PROTECTION.

Today I with all my heart want to thank all the women who have made me what i am today.. and above all i thank my mother, AMMA...I LOVE YOU...I AM BECAUSE OF YOU... 

Picture courtesy: My Elder sis, with my first ever nephew...who holds the official rights to call me MAMA

Saturday 21 January 2012


Now with such a name for a post everyone will think that its all about spirituality but here i plan to talk about anything from Life,Country,Love,Relationships,Politics, evrything that comes to my mind worth writing about.

My Dad says that before beginning anything new in life always remember god,and that exactly what this is, "AHAM BRAHMASMI"
It is a MOKSHA MANTRA from YAJUR VEDA. It means I AM BRAHMA...if translated to English it means, I AM GOD... What better way to discover one's spiritual side,to look for God in one's own self. Our AATMA is where the PARAMATMA lives. Yes,that's what i believe. God is in all of us,so i don't think that sitting and worshiping in temples for hours will get any one anything from him,but even if in one day we remember him with all our heart and continue doing whatever is our respective work with dedication that is the best offering to him.
  Born to a family of Brahmans, Since childhood i was expected to be inclined to religion,spirituality,and everything that it takes to be a BRAHMAN. But i have always believed in the above quote. All of us are gods of our destiny....

These lines by Kabir,the saint should be read once to understand my theory about religions and spirituality;

Moko Kahan Dhundhere Bande Mein To Tere Paas Mein
Na Teerath Mein, Na Moorat Mein Na Ekant Niwas Mein
Na Mandir Mein, Na Masjid Mein Na Kabe Kailas Mein
Mein To Tere Paas Mein Bande Mein To Tere Paas Mein
Na Mein Jap Mein, Na Mein Tap Mein Na Mein Barat Upaas Mein
Na Mein Kiriya Karm Mein ReNa Brahmand Akas Mein
Na Mein Prakuti Prawar Gufa Mein 
hta Nahin Jog Sanyas Mein

Nahin Pran Mein Nahin Pind Mein Nahin Swasan Ki Swans Mein
Khoji Hoye Turat Mil Jaoon Ik Pal Ki Talas Mein
Kahet Kabir Suno Bhai Sadho Mein To Hun Viswas Mein..

TranslationWhere do you search me? I am with you
Not in pilgrimage, nor in icons, Neither in solitudes
Not in temples, nor in mosques Neither in Kaba nor in Kailash
I am with you o man, I am with you
Not in prayers, nor in meditation, Neither in fasting
Not in yogic exercises, Neither in renunciation
Neither in the vital force nor in the body, Not even in the ethereal space
Neither in the womb of Nature, Not in the breath of the breath
Seek earnestly and discover, In but a moment of search
Says Kabir, Listen with care, Where your faith is, I am there.....

So with this thought in my mind i begin my journey to the world of BLOGGING....