Sunday 22 January 2012

Strength Of a Woman

 WOMAN is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.It is because of the pain that women undergo in order to give life .They are so much superior than a man,in everything. They are more special,the creator on earth. Yes,they are provided with a special ability to give birth by almighty.They are the ones with better I.q level,they are the ones who know how to take care of  us (men) at our best and to support at our worst.Females live longer as their circulatory and Skeletal systems are more advanced. 

We need them,we cannot do without them..We should never dare and underestimate their power,their strength..

Imagine this planet without a single woman ! Scary,isn't it??  

' Woman was created from the rib of man.,She was not made from his head to be above him,
nor was she made from his feet to be trampled on..She was created out of his side to equal him,.under his arm to be protected by him..and near his heart to be loved...'
My mother had this hanging in our house when I was a kid. I think it is actually very profound.

After all this i want to ask a few questions, Why today females are not safe in our country ? Why do they need to fight for their identity? Why is their a rise in crimes against women? WHY??

The answers are within all of us....ASK YOURSELF....

Lets give them what they deserve,RESPECT,LOVE & PROTECTION.

Today I with all my heart want to thank all the women who have made me what i am today.. and above all i thank my mother, AMMA...I LOVE YOU...I AM BECAUSE OF YOU... 

Picture courtesy: My Elder sis, with my first ever nephew...who holds the official rights to call me MAMA

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